
Course Project: Notes from Kinetive Narrative Workshop

Kinetic Narrative Workshop

Alexander Calder film by Roger Sherman

Actions can be broken down into elements, just like what we can do with our languages. Elements of moving are metaphors. They can tell stories as languages do.
Alexander Calder changed the nature of sculpture. He showed what sculpture could really be. The movements of his sculptures were the core essence of those sculptures instead of their still shapes.
In the workshop we were asked to just enjoy the movement in those clips and listen to the sounds. Those sounds and rhymes were tranches of the movements as well. And then we were asked to analyze, interrogate and draw the movement. (Draw the MOVEMENTS itself instead of the STILL SHAPES)      

I drew this one without looking at my pencil. I realized that I was not drawing the shapes of the sculptures but the movements. My hands were moving, turning, quivering simultaneously with the sculptures.

Nabo Gaum’s Manifesto
Space and time are reborn to us today.

The Way Things to Go

Time is abstract and movement is concrete. Sequential movements construct time. Concrete movements map time. Time is the metaphors of concrete movements. Movements shape our cognitive structure and understandings towards time. Meanwhile the time shape the movements.

Toy Workshop

This showed us how movements can be played and used as a narrative. We could mechanical toys like optical, acoustic, gravity, balanced and etc. stuffs.
(Look at Spooner’s moving animals by Paul Spooner)

Pictures could be reconstructed with fragmental pieces of images into new ones. New stories~
The magic waterfall has the same potential to tell two stories on two different sides.
Movements: Chicken pecking, clown climbing, etc..
Electro cared kit…


A little boy sitting on the floor~

At the very beginning I just wanted to make a little child that could be placed into any gesture so I made his legs and hands using light clays with slipknots. Done with the body part, one idea came to me. What I was focusing on was the exploration of the space so I made an empty space as his head, and filled it with blocks just like we filled our space with our stuffs used in life and constructed ourselves through learning (through playing with toys). Then I drew a face on the back side of the space to make it a metaphor for weak self growing into continuity of self, a face, a facet to face the outside world. I kept the blocks blank to help with the further exploration of narratives. I have got 8 blocks here, each having 6 façade, which meant I could have 6 *8/4 carpets to draw stories on. And the blocks could be put in different orders, positions, built up into different shapes etc. I was playing with toys like lego and exploring the space like the child.

I took this for a great potential for my narratives at the next stage.

Magnet could be a good material to make stuff to move.

