
Course Project Journal 2 : Material Experimentations

Journal 2

What I have done with my course project in the past few weeks

1.    Learning about what storytelling is

2. (the field I hope to explore and focus on): Study about the relationships between the developmental psychology about children and their explorations about space

3.(risk-taking and the exploration on the techniques and possibilities I could use in this project):
3d-Object making (the basic techniques of making some scene):     
 -AI, Lasercuting and painting


 -light-clay making
 -the possibility of 3d printing

4.(project development): brainstorming about the storyboarding and storyboarding development

for 3 weeks till now What I have done:
So I think I have done
                quite a wide range of researches on the subject i want to explore,
                the techniques I could use,
                the storytelling skills I hope to improve,
                and is looking at one of the possible approach)

the possible direction of my project

Make a decision!!!
1 A book based on the brainstorming and the mind map I drew and the developed storyboard

what to do next:
visualization of the story:
sketch, in order to adjustment the ways of drawing, tones, compositions, pace of every page

Or can it be just a base and progress of research to the final outcomes?

2.A series of scenes that can present the relationship between space and children’s psychology (which means how the real space could be reflected on children’s mind and what does that imply for children’s cognitive development

what to do next: (for 3 weeks)
experimentations with the format of the space:
                model making, including the curation of a museum in an attic ( with real or imaginative stuff or imaginative stuff)
           -  (the decoration and exhibition of the spaces)
           -  (using the woods or light clay?)
                Building up Scene or arrangements
            -  model making, how to convey the meaning that all the imaginative happened in one space but in multi-dimensional minds, which means, how can I illustrate a multi-dimensional space( more than 3d)
               That meanings: how show I build up that structure

Till the last four week I should have finished the experimentation and started to work with the final outcomes.

To sum up what I have done on my sketchbook and discuss the questions with my tutor in the tutorial in the next tuesday

till 23 Oct.

