
Course Project: Notes from Inventory Workshop

An ‘inventory’ is a complete list of items. The term is often applied to the contents of a building, property or stock.

Refs: Species of Spaces - Georges Perec, Anecdoted Topography of Chance - Daniel Spoerri, Labyrinths - Nicolai and Wenzel, How to Sharpen a Pencil – David Rees, The Book of Disquiet …dismantled - Leonie Sinden, The Duchamp Dictionary – Thomas Girst, Pieces – John Soane Museum

An Inventory I made for my attic

(could become the items I put in my to made attic images or scenes)

Exploration of Typography of the Vocabulary

Letterpress Workshop

I played with letters and saw how different qualities could be hidden between the words and let by  different typography:

