
Doll's house in V&A childhood

Doll's house: a form of recording historic scenes including architecture styles, costume styles, society classes, how people worked, ate and lived and how the whole society evolved etc. through .  They are precious artefacts themselves.

Dolls wearing costumes representing the classes they belonged to, the jobs they did and the identity as storyteller.

Different rooms to distinguish the different functions, which represents life in the history.

Dolls houses as an epitome describing the scene of the whole society.

The evolution of the society reflected by the evoluton of the architecture style, furniture, etc..


A Thailand Advertisement about Education

A public servicing advertisement answering to the question what is education by personal examples. 

The advertisement chose the scenes as followed:
The mother set examples to teach her daughter how to slice pineapples.
The mother told her daughter to find examples on her own when she didn't know how to do something.
Thus leading her daughter to the big whole world by teaching her how to learn and solve problems on her own.
A very simple structure. Worked impressively and straightforwardly to answer the question what is good education and what is education by examples.


Learning notes about maps

A medium
By appropriating reality and its complex layers
By imposing oder.
1. To express our inquisitive nature and harness knowledge on a geographical level
2. To make sense of physical world

Early maps: intricate constructs as unique works of art spoke of social hierarchies
-       Medieval maps: used as an analogy for the relationship between good and evil, giving life lessons,:
merging human knowledge, myth, and spirituality in a surreal landscape of precautionary tales for the afterlife
-       During the Age of Discoverythe Old and New Worlds
Cultural cross-pollination(传播文化) and unrepentant(无悔悟的)exploitation and the enlightenment of the brutes
Affirmation of power, national pride
-       Industrial Revolution (Fashion and art capitals and major breakthroughs in printing technology): maps became more diverse and accessible
-       20th Century to digital worlds: exciting potentials and unavoidable tensions, near frontiers appearing

Layers of meanings
1. political propaganda maps or a dangerous mix of the two:
synthesizing physical, geopolitical, socioeconomic and other domains in a gesamtkunstwerk
2. Kitsch tourist guides. Basic utilitarian purposes as administrative tools and references for mobility and navigation
e.g. Urban crime maps
   Population shifts visualized to aid the design of cities and the politics of urban planning.
3. Catalogue of the pleasures and horrors of mankind.
E,g, Catastrophe and death are codified in maps of earthquake zones, tornado paths, or oil spills.
Cartographies of hedonism: the best shops the top restaurant and so on.
Advertisement; treasure maps
4. Both records change and glimpses into the future
5. To grasp greater concepts, detect patterns, prognosticate and so on

A selection of the elements to be included: adjustment, simplification or generalization
How to correspond level of detail within the constraints
Technicalities of the transformation from three-dimensionality to a 2-d projection.

Text and icons based on semiological conventions
Color and patterns used to establish further hierarchies as more systems come into play.

The bias of maps:
”There is no view from nowhere for even the most scrupulously detached observer
A maps is to subject the truth to personal preconceptions and ideologies.
so don’t be ashamed to disregard dogma, explore new cartographic languages, embrace ambiguity, make the maps cariactural, abstract or mysterious.

Maps today:
Maps is becoming homogeneous, victims of generic uniformity.
Increasingly devalued as an influential visual tool

But maps could also be sophisticated geo-tools befitting a fast-paced, multi-demensional, networked world:
Playful experimentation and provocation to translate the solemnity of data into intriguing cartographies and storytelling; an antidote to cartographic monotony and the modern-day obsession for accuracy.

By documenting the maps, their ephemeral temperament is shed to reveal a lasting message at its core. It’s about re-humanizing the process of understanding our surroundings and ourselves.

The perspectives used to depict landmarks

Unique materials and forms

Maps as a historical record

A map depicting cliches. 



Yoshitomo Nara

The colors, the materials and the strokes

She simply drew every weird ideas coming across her head with a very simple figure, a weird little girl living in her heart, with any material available.


The space made by our group. A child always like to hide himself inconspicuously in a corner at home, for instance, to make a private space under the dining table and decorate it with his toys and stuffs he loves. That makes him feel safe.

Breaking the 2D and 3D space

Some drawings from peers

The textile is very impressive

Some Complicated Architectural Structures

Guillaume Cornet

A very functional way to represent some complicated structures like society, different classes,  social division of labor, etc.


Deconstruction of a mechanism, a building, etc.